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Back on earth, said Jesus, this woman was a witch and a worshiper of Satan.

She not only practice witchcraft, but she taught witchcraft to others.

From the time she was a child, her family practiced the black arts.

They loved darkness rather than light.

Many times, said the Lord, I called on her to repent.

She mocked me and said, I enjoy serving Satan.

I will keep on serving him.

She rejected the truth and would not repent of her evil.

She turn many people away from the Lord, some of them are in hell with her today.

If she had repented, I would have saved her and many of her family, hut she would not listen.

Satan deceived this woman into believing that she would received a kingdom of her own as her reward for serving him.

He told her,she would never die, but would have a life with him forever.

She died praising Satan and came here to HELL and asked him for her kingdom.

Satan the father of lies, laughed in her face and said,, Did you think I would divide my kingdom with you? This is your kingdom,,, now HELL is her kingdom,,

And he LOCKED her SOUL in the cell of HELL and torments her day and night.

On earth, this woman taught many witches, both white witches and black witches, to do their magic.

One of her magic tricks was to change from a young woman, to a middle age woman, to an old woman even to an old man.

It was fun in those days to make the change and frighten lesser witches with her magic.

But now she suffers the pains of HELL, and her flesh is ripped away with each change.

She cannot control it now, and keeps changing from one form to another, but her real form is the misty soul inside her skeleton.

Satan use her for his evil purposes and taunts and mocks her.

All Satan human agents....if you don't repent and accept Jesus Christ as your saviour..this is how you will be deceived by Satan  and end up in hell like this woman..all smokers..all seducers...all drinkers...all sinners... If you don't repent and accept Jesus Christ... Your end reward is HELL FIRE..there is no repentance in HELL...but there is still Repentance while you are alive...but the question you know when you will die and the way which you will die...make the call before it is too LATE..


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